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To empower each woman to be a strong independent and find her true value.


Our mission is to “PLANT A SEED OF LOVE” among the abused and vulnerable women in Kenya!


To plant a seed of love among vulnerable and abused women.

We are Jimmia

Jimmia Women Rescue Centre is a nonprofit organization based in Nakuru, Kenya. It was founded and Directed by James Mburu Kagotho who had this vision and dream to open a peaceful safe haven for the vulnerable and abused women and their children. James is married and a Father of two; Naomi and Noah. James or Jimmy as he is commonly known to the local people was born and raised in Nakuru and this vision was heavily planted in his heart since when he was a small boy.

Jimmy was deeply bothered to see the suffering of women around the slum neighborhoods of Nakuru and especially every morning when going to school. He could pass along a famous street (Kanu Street) known for prostitution and many occasions he saw women being beaten with drunk men and made a promise to himself that one day when he grows up he will build something to help such women. Jimmia is a referral home where women are referred from the social system in Kenya, for example, the police station, children department, court system, local schools, local hospitals and other organizations around the country.

We have started the JIMMIA organization so that we can help the Kenyan people, the families that are in need, and most of all the future of Kenya – the children. There are so many children that are suffering in Kenya, those in poor families, and those who live on the street.
We want to make a change in people’s lives by planting a seed of love – if we help those who are in need, then we are making a way for them to help the next person so that the seed of love will continue on for many years to come.

With God in control, we believe that JIMMIA can be a reality. We believe that God has called us as a family to be in Kenya and help children and families in need. We trust in God that He will help us fund the projects and help us financially as a family.

James Mburu Kagotho - Founder and Director Jimmia Organization

JIMMIA has made a firm commitment to advancing the goals of gender equity and equality. Through our key thematic areas, JIMMIA focuses on the Elimination of Violence against Women & Girls by facilitating the development, promotion, and enforcement of appropriate mechanisms for prevention, protection, and response to violence against women and girls. Our human rights-based approach supports young people living in poverty to analyze and confront power imbalances and to understand and claim their rights through advocacy and movement-building, which links local activism with national and regional efforts.